Saturday, September 13, 2008

Dumbest Generation? More like, Most Progressive Generation

Our generation has received a lot of criticism that we are considered the "dumbest generation." However, I would like to beg the differ. In our generation, teenagers are experiencing and living with many technological advances. Author Mark Bauerlein claims his new book, "The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future" that we are the dumbest generation because of that reason. So what we are the most technological developed generation. I would like to say that we are the most progressive generation and the fact that we are evolving from old 20th century paper and books that makes us dumb? I will rebuke all 8 reasons why Bauerlein says that we are the dumbest generation.

1. They make excellent "Jaywalking'' targets
Bauerlein states that we are uninterested in world realities, he is making a very vague judgment there. Little does he know that we are actually involved in many world realities and experienced many of them. For instance, our generation is going to have the opportunity to have a say in the presidential election. I know that we are all interested in something important as that!

2. They don't read books -- and don't want to, either
Now that just gets me angry. Many schools throughout the country make their students have to read several books during the summertime. Also students are required to read many books throughout the school year. I know that I have read all the books I have had to read. Also, I everyone I know isn't illiterate. So what some teens don't like to read, however they still do it. Not all students use Sparknotes or Pinkmonkey to get simple summaries of books. However, aren't they still reading?

3. They can't spell
First of all, not everyone goes on AIM. Second, no one believes that the lingo we use on AIM is correct English. AIM language is used because you can type less and quicker. Its just the abbreviations of words.

4. They get ridiculed for original thought, good writing
Not many people have Myspace now. The new fad is Facebook, get it right Bauerlein. What teen wants to try and sound extremely smart when they are posting a message on someones wall? Teenagers are messaging their friends just how they would talk to them in any situation.

5. Grand Theft Auto IV, etc.
I can honestly say that I do not know anyone who plays that video game, or any video game of that sort seriously. Not everyone plays video games.

6. They don't store the information
The Internet has unlimited amounts of information, how is one supposed to save it all? Yes, it is a "miraculous source of knowledge" and students definitely value it for the information that it supplies.

7. Because their teachers don't tell them so
Bauerlein spoke too soon. How can he make such a judgement? Many teachers and families all over have rules for Internet or computer use. In my family, we can only be on the computer for an hour tops on school nights, unless it is for academic use. How could he put down the teachers and parents of our generation like that?

8. Because they're young
Yes we are young, and we have so much time to mature. Isn't Bauerlein being a little hypocritical there? He openly admitted he was stupid as a teenager, didn't he mature when he became an adult?

So what we have made many technical advances in our generation and in no way we are abusing that. I think that Bauerlein made a terrible judgment on our generation and may be just a little jealous he didn't get to grow up with such great advances. Therefore, we are not the "Dumbest Generation", we are the Most Progressive Generation, in that we have made the biggest change in technology and we are certainly proud of that!


LCorti said...

I agree!

But really, you brought up many valid points. I liked how you re-addressed every point he made. Your ability to counter-act each of his staements was impressive! I share your opinion about his attack on our generation's inability to read. It's abbrevs. duh! Way easier.

Anonymous said...

I really liked how you said that we were the most technological developed generation. I also really liked how you gave your reasons against the 8 reasons Bauerlein gave. I agree that we are NOT "the dumbest generation".

Katie J. said...

Natalie, the way you analyzed the different points really showed that you understood the issue. You show a strong opinion for each one and you made your point every time. You obviously know what you're talking about. :)

Anonymous said...

I completely agree as well! I like that part about the whole reading thing. You are right. We still read and it still is a requirement. No one I know is illiterate. Plus the illiteracy rate has decreased anyway so he cannot pinpoint illiteracy on us. Also the point you made about us being jaywalking targets, I agree with what u said. We are taking a class now that allows us to delve into political activity and that is DEFINITELY being involved so i don't know what Bauerlein is trying to say but he made no sense in his article